What you do in your working time, not the definition of what you can do.
無論是前端、後端工程師,掌握整個web技術的「基礎」是我認為自稱「web developer」的最低底線,定義如下:
- Linux => 管理一台linux機器,架起網頁伺服器、資料庫、應用程式
- Database => 最基礎的RBS,可以用SQL操作基礎ERP會需要做的操作
- 網頁伺服器 => 懂nginx或apache
- 後端框架=> 讓機器有應用程式可以跑起來
- 前端框架=> 可以用純API的方式與後端溝通,進而做到前後端分離
至今寫網頁約一年,主要都是在後端框架的部分打轉,約半年前開始精進jQuery、三個月前開始學習前端框架,以用vue js 實作一個不複雜的SPA
而這篇,就是在紀錄 Udemy 課程 Ubuntu Linux Server Basics的筆記
- do not authenticate any root account, use ‘sudo’ to accomplish what you want to do
- in the file list, the white one is a file, purple is a directory
- rmdir can delete the empty director
- rm -R, R means [recursive]
- && can concatenate and run two or more scripts simultaneously
- do not use [space] in the name of directory like : [New project]
- use pager in cat cat file_name | [less]
- move file mv file_place new_file_place
- [rsync] is just like [cp] but much powerful, especially the progressing interface
- [shutdown] -h ‘optional message’, -r means reboot. The different between reboot and shutdown -r is shutdown -r can leave the optional message that other people can understand why you do shutdown.
- user [man]
- use [date] to modify the time in the machine.
- use [sudo adduser user_name] to add a user.
- use [sudo addgroup group_name] to add a group, the reason we need to use group is managing the privilege by group instead of individual.
- see all of the group in the ubuntu [cat /etc/group]
- see all of the user in the ubuntu [cat /etc/passwd]
- bash is one of the shell script