Execution Contexts and Lexical Environments
1. Object: just name and value pairs
2. Global: Not inside a function
3. 整個 js 的engine 會做兩件事情 1. create this
2. create global object
。如果在瀏覽器中,global object 就會是 window
,在node 就會是 global
4. 當你在js檔案中創造了無論是function 或是變數,都將附著在 global object
下。ex: 創造了
var a = ‘hello world’;
則可以在 window 這個 object 中找到 a 這個 name,a 的 value 為 hello world
5. 在 execution context 中,有兩個階段 1. creation phase 2. execution phase
在creation phase, 每個變數與 function 都會保留記憶體空間,不同的是,function會整包被放入記憶體中,而變數的宣告,則要等到execution 執行到該行得時候,才會執行指派的動作。因此,
6. undefined v.s. not defined。
undefined 是一個值
not defined 是一個錯誤
在execution phase前,creation phase 會把所有的變數宣告做宣告,並將「undefined」這個 value 放進每個變數中。
因此,只要值是undefined,就知道是「已宣告但還沒有給值、或是沒有給值」的變數 。所以,永遠不要自己定義變數為 undefined,否則將會失去這個邏輯。
7. Every execution context has their own local variable scope
Each of these execution context has own local variable scope
8. Every execution context has a reference to its outer environment
and lexical environment is important for javascript when it comes to outer reference.
9. asynchronous javascript is outside the javascript engine
It occurs inside the browser engine (DOM render, HTTP request), javascript is synchronized inside the javascript engine.
Types and Operators
1. Dynamic typing
2. six primitive type in javscript
1. undefined
3. boolean
4. number
5. string
6. symbol (used in ES6)
4. Coercion, precedents and associativity
When the result is not equal to your expectation. Check these three things.
5. Checking global naming space
Objects and functions
- Object can contains…
2. Namespace
3. Switch between javascript object and JSON
4. First class function
functions are objects
5. Function statement and function expression
Statement just does work and an expression result in a value.
Different between
function greeting(){
}andvar greeting = function(){
function greet is run but not return anything in execution phase.
puts function inside the function
6. Pass by value. pass by reference
7.Object, function and this
Every time we invoke a function , the first thing it does is creating the execution context, and keyword this.
A primitive value inside the object called property, a function inside the object called methods.
function a() {
It will return window
, this
only changed when the function is inside the object like
var car = {
name: 'Mazda 5',
run: function(){
inside the car is pointing to object car
the this
in line 25 reference to window object
, because of hoisting.
8. arguments
and spread
9. function statement and function expression
the greetFunc
in line 8 is a function.
the greeting
in line 14 is a string.
Javascript attach any function and variable name in the global object, so if we just run a function one time and do not want it to pollute the name space, we can use IIFE( Immediately Invoked Function Expression!)
10. closure
It will print 3 , three times. why? because it reference to the variable i , the variable i iterate 0 to 3 and stop at 3.
It can solve the problem by using IIFE
11. bind(), call(), apply
var functionName = functionA.bind(object)
it means we copy a function to another name, and when we use this
keyword in functionA, it refers to the object we pass in.
functionA.call(object, args…)
It just like bind()
, but it invoke the function immediately. We can decide what is referred by this
keyword, pass arguments in the function , and invoke it.
It just like call()
, just little different syntax.
Bind example:
12. Functional programming
Build up your own map
13. Prototype
when I call obj.prop2 ,first, it will find prop2 in obj itself. If it can’t find prop2 ian obj, it next goes to the prototype.
14. Reflection and extend
15. function constructor
It will crate an object with attribute(method) firstName
and lastName
is a operator in javascript!
When I use new
, It will create an empty object, and put attributes and value inside the new object named function name
In this case
16. Function constructor and Prototypes
When we create a constructor, we usually set up attributes
in the function, because attributes would be different objects. But we usually puts methods
in the prototype, because methods
would be consistent between objects.
If we set methods
in constructor function, every object has their own methods
in the memory space. But if we use prototype to set up the methods, all object reference the same methods
(inside the same prototype)
It’s very danger that missing new operator before constructor function. Some linter tool would detect the function with capital character without new operator.
17. Add methods to existing constructor function
return this.length > string.length;
then we can use
'loooooooooong string'.isLongerThan('short string');
// It will return true
var 3 = new Number(3)
is not equal to
var 3 = Number('3')
the first one is an object, the second one is primitive value 3.
17. Pure prototypal inheritance and polyfill
pure prototypal inheritance
var person = {
name: 'Yeng';
gender: 'male;
age: 30;
}var yeng = Object.create(person);yeng.name #=> 'Yeng'
yeng.name = 'Wow';
yeng.name #=> 'Wow'
If Object.create is undefined
, sign an anonymous function to Object.create to implement the Object create
Odds and Ends
- typeof and instanceof
2. strict mode
You must declare variable when you use it.
use strict
並非固定的協定,會根據不同的 javascript engine 而有不同的結果。如果在一個專案的最上方用了 use strict
user strict
的 scope 為 function 內或是 global